Boiled Crayfish with Dill

Certainly, live crayfish will make the best meal. However, if you can  only find frozen crayfish make sure you thaw them in the refrigerator  (it takes a bit longer, but will keep the crayfish juicier).

Certainly, live crayfish will make the best meal. However, if you can only find frozen crayfish make sure you thaw them in the refrigerator (it takes a bit longer, but will keep the crayfish juicier).


Number of servings

Servings: 4

List of ingredients

6 pounds (2 ½kg) live crayfish or Louisiana crawfish

⅔ cup coarse sea salt

3 tablespoons sugar

3 bottles dark beer, preferably an English stout

1 large bunch fresh dill, plus a few sprigs for garnish

Lemon wedges

Mayonnaise and thin slices good white bread (optional)


  • Put the crayfish in the sink under cold running water to make sure they are alive. Discard any that do not move.

  • In a large pot, combine 2 gallons cold water, the salt, sugar, beer, and dill and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the crayfish, return to a boil, and turn off the heat. Let stand for an hour or two before serving.

  • Drain the crayfish and arrange on a large serving platter. Garnish with dill and squeeze some lemon juice over them.

  • Crack open the shells at the table and carefully remove the crayfish meat. Place the meat on white bread spread with mayonnaise, or eat it just as it is, with a drop of lemon juice. The white meat in the tail is the best, but the meat from the head is also delicious; do not eat the papery gills.


Luxurious Fish Gratin


Bergen Fish Soup