Baked Alaska Pyramid



Number of servings

Servings: 4

List of ingredients

Light molasses or syrup

1 ½ tsp Cardamom, ground

5 Digestive or Graham crackers, crushed

2 oz Butter

2 tbsp Muscovado sugar (Barbados or moist sugar)

8 Apples


  • Preheat the oven to 325°F/160°C. Separate whites and yolks of the eggs and add them to two separate bowls. Beat the yolks and half the sugar until thick and light. Beat the whites with a tiny pinch of salt until stiff.

  • Fold sifted flour and baking powder into egg yolks. Finish by folding in beaten egg whites. Transfer to a square non-stick pan (or covered with baking sheet), and bake for 15 minutes, or until the cake is puffed and springs back when gently pressed. Leave to cool.

  • Place the ice cream in room temperature for 15 minutes. Using a warm knife, cut out pyramid shapes, making sure the bottom is about the same size as your sponge cake squares. Return to freezer.

  • In another bowl, combine egg whites, lemon juice and the remaining sugar. Beat the mixture until you have white, sticky and airy meringue.

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C. Place sponge cake squares in a large ovenproof dish, drench with orange juice and cover with cloudberries. Place an ice cream pyramid on each. Cover with meringue, and mould pyramids using a wet spatula.

  • Bake in the oven until the meringue starts to brown. Make sure the ice cream doesn’t melt. Garnish with more cloudberries and serve immediately. Variation: Instead of baking you could also just brown the meringue with a crème brûlée burner.


Sugared Blackberries with Cardamom and Birch Milk


Sour Cream Waffles