The TV-series New Scandinavian Cooking is produced by the Norwegian media company Tellus Works Television AS. All digital and online content is developed, managed, and owned by Nordic Flavors Inc.

New Scandinavian Cooking

Experienced Staff

The company’s experienced staff have a long track record in Norwegian and international media as well as in business and advertising.

Available All Over The World

The production of New Scandinavian Cooking is based on an agreement between Nordic Flavors Inc. and American Public Television (APT) in Boston. APTs role is to sell the series to the 347 public television stations. However, the series is also available in most markets all over the world. Among the countries where the series is available are USA, China, Germany, Italy, France, UK, Australia. The series is also available through cable in other countries, and through streaming.

Get in touch

If you are in the American market and wish to pledge this series, please visit

For other inquiries about the cooking series, please visit our contact page. If you are concerned with privacy when contacting us, you can find our privacy policy here.